- Features of this plan
↓ 贅沢に!2ダイブコースはこちら ↓
- Reference Schedule
時間 内容 7:45 集合(受付)と着替え
※15分前にお越しください。8:00 レクチャー
➡︎当日の流れをご説明します。8:30 道具を持ってボートへ。いざ海へ出発! 8:40 ダイビングスタート 9:00 水中観察を楽しもう! 10:00 出発場所に戻る
➡︎お着替え&シャワー10:30 解散
*The above is a guide only.
Subject to change depending on sea conditions and weather. - Course Content and Details
Price 1名様:15,000円
2名以上参加/1名様:12,500円Fee includes 器材フルレンタル/タンク代/写真撮影/個別ガイド/乗船料/ガイド料/保険料/消費税 personal effects 水着(予め着用)・タオル Meeting and Dismissal Location Location 読谷村エリア(一文字・イナンビシ・ウフグチ・アリビラ前など) Holding period year round 開催時間 Age Range Number of participants 1名様以上(ライセンス所有者限定) cofferdam *Before making a reservation, be sure toprecautionsfor more information.
- word of mouth
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Most recent.6People are considering it.
No membership registration required
View reservations and availability Amount of money |
1名様:15,000suffix for names of swords, armour, musical instruments, etc. 2名様以上参加/1名様:12,500円 |
time zone | |
the time required | |
Holding period | year round |
Most recent.6People are considering it.
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Flow of Reservation and Participation
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Find the tour you want to join based on the scene and time of day♪.
Reservation Plan Application
Once you have decided on the plan you want to apply for, select the date and time and start the application process!
Reservation Confirmation
Once your reservation is complete, you will be contacted by Blue Cave Tours♪
Take a tour
All that remains is to participate on the day of the event! Let's have fun to the fullest!